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Wool top rewash machine with microwave drying style


Release date:[2012/5/20 8:48:06]    Source:TAIAN COMPANION MACHINERY CO.,LTD


Wool top drying after rewash.
Upgrade and alteration of the existing wool top rewash machine.
The supporting drying equipment for the new type wool top rewash machine.
Applies to 24-36 head wool top rewash machine.

1、Washing  tanks use roller design with suction style, have efficient lotion circulation flow rate, in order to make

lotion penetrate  wool tops layer and improve high production efficiency.
2、The anti winding devices and LED alarm are fixed on the rollers of the washing tank and each guiding roller .
3、The running speed of the wool tops is precise controlled by electronic system, so that the tops with low tension

through the bath lotion can contribute to the further penetration of wool tops.
4、Using microwave drying technique, low drying temperature, uniformity drying ,high efficiency.
5、Both models with active type cone machine and passive upper strip frame .Active type cone machine is suitable for the

dry-bulb and wet-bulb unwinding; Passive upper strip frame is suitable for two kind of forms including inner and outer

package unwinding.
6、Through pneumatic and electric control system to control chemical additives station. according the change of running

speed and process requirements to assistant chemicals accurately to the washing  tank, accurate and reliable chemicals

supplying ( optional )


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