Superior performance ●Digitization and intelligentize central control system. ●Online detecting,hing intelligence and precision control for the dyeing line. ●Intellige logistics.transfer car and nopower roller with mechanical can match the robot to completethe yarn automatic
shipping and handing between each station. ●Online intelligence equipment to regulate humidity of yarn. To overcome the impact of environment change on the moisture-regain of yarn,lower the re-dyeing rate and reduce the repeated consumption of energy and resources. ●Special robot for yarn loading and unloading.Do job such as yarn loading and unloading,yarn pressing,lock installation and un-installation,etc,to liberate labor. ●Automatic system to measure and deliver dyestuff and assistant.Precise measurement and assistant,to avoid weighting error and miscarriage by manual. ●Prominent improve one round dyeing FPY and reduce production cost. ●Eliminating the impact of human factor furthest,with significant economic benefits. ●Smart microwave drying achieve faster ,low temperature,high efficiency and even dying. ●Enery saving and consumption reduced.dyeing machine cylinder with a special coating;heat recovery system;condensed water.cooling wate recovery system;recycle condensation water,coolingwater of about 7 tons,save1.7tons of steam when dye 1ton of yaen. ●Clean precision .For worker,there is no direcr touch on dyestuffs/assistants and exposal to on-site environmental pollution. ●High precision weighing.Weighing tolerance 0.01g,liquid assistant distribute tolerance 0.5%,powder assistant distribute tolerance 0.2kg. ●The precision position of logistice system. The positioning tolerance of the transfer car and auto-crane is 5mm,the robot 0.25mm. ●Throgh the locating device of the sensor to achieve the precision control WSAD ●Unmanned operation in dyeing workshop.1woeker in central control room can operate the whole production line.
Superior service ●Provide complete plant for different scale. ●Provide singe functionality equipment. ●Provide service of remould and upgrade of the auto-production-line base on existing production. ●Provide service of remote diagnose on control system,solve the problem
of error effect production in time.
